Nasyid Maarikana

سنخوض معاركنا معهم

We’ll take our fights with them

و سنمضي جموعا نردعهم

We’ll go as groups to stop them

و نعيد الحق المغتصب

We’ll return our slain rights (territories)

و بكل القوة ندفعهم
With all force we’ll push them out

سنخوض معاركنا معهم

We’ll take our fights with them

و سنمضي جموعا نردعهم
We’ll go as groups to stop them

ونعيد الحق المغتصب
We’ll return our slain rights (territories)

و بكل القوة ندفعهم
With all force we’ll push them out

بسلاح الحق البتاري
By the weapon of truth (meaning that they are the people who have the right, the right will always go back to its owners one day, no matter how long wrong lasts)

سنحرر ارض الاحراري
We’ll free the land of the frees (meaning that their dignity always made them free)

و نعيد الطهر الى القدس
We’ll return the pureness of Islam to Al-Quds (meaning it wasn’t pure under non Muslim leadership)

من بعد الذل و ذا العاري
After our weakness our humiliation

و سنمضي ندك معاقلهم

We’ll carry on bring down their fortresses

بدوي دائما يقلقهم
With strong sounds that will scare them

و سنمحوا العار بأيدينا
We’ll erase our humiliation by our own hands

و بكل القوة نردعهم
With all force we’ll stop them

لن نرضى بجزء محتل
We’ll never accept a slain part of our lands

لن نترك شبرا للذل
We’ll never leave out a bit of our land for them to humiliate us with.

ستمور الارض و تحرقهم
The Earth will burst in flames and burn them

في الارض براكين تغلي
In Earth there is volcanoes that are boiling (he’s pointing to how much Muslims have in their hearts from having their lands slain rights taken)

Hasem, Kota Belud..